Gamers come in all shapes, sizes, and walks of life. And it’s always fun to resonate with a box! Which of these cozy gaming archetypes do you feel is the most “you?”

The Casual Cozy

The cute raccoon family in Stardew Valley

This cozy gamer can usually be found decorating their cute Stardew farm, relaxing on the beach in Animal Crossing, and taking pictures of frogs in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You like to enjoy the cute graphics and sweet stories. After all, cozy games are supposed to be about enjoying the moment… right?

The Min-Maxer

Helldivers achievement progress

You’re all about getting the most gains. Everything is a numbers go up game. A million gold in Stardew Valley? Easy. You have every achievement in Terraria and you’ve completed the compendium in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. The Min-Maxer loves the cozy vibes, but if they had more energy to learn skills you just know they’d be a Dark Souls gamer.

The Puzzler

Portal 2

The ultimate cozy game is a puzzle game. If you don’t feel accomplished when you figure it out, you don’t want it. One of your first favorite games might have been Portal. You feel right at home with a mechanically difficult game like Heavenly Bodies, where you have to accomplish tasks in zero gravity, or cerebral mysteries like Disco Elysium.

The Social Bug

Ovvercooked is a great team building exercise!

You don’t have many single-player games in your Steam library, but that’s okay. You love collaborative games like Baldur’s Gate 3 and games in the Civilization series for hours of co-op fun. You’d feel right at home with the We Were Here series, solving puzzles with your best friend to escape your wintry doom. And don’t forget about the party games! Super Smash Bros and Overcooked really get those social feel-good feelings going. After all, games are meant to be shared with the people you love!

The Sweaty Gamer

League of Legends: the game for traditional sweaty gamers

You hate to admit it (or maybe you don’t), but you love League of Legends, Rocket League, and Call of Duty. People say these games are toxic, and maybe they are, but you feel right at home runnin’ it down mid. You play games like Lethal Company solo, just to laugh in the face of the bracken before it breaks your neck. And there’s nothing wrong with that. The world is in need of brave gamers like you.

The Bookish Gamer

Some Distant Memory is a short post apocalyptic story about love and humanity

Narrative games are your favorite thing. Books are a little bit slow. Put the story in a video game format? Welcome to an immersive, silly world where you can be anyone and accomplish anything. You’re a big fan of RPGs—if you liked Baldur’s Gate 3 you should check out Larian Studio’s previous game, Divinity: Original Sin 2. You’re also a fan of games that just tell one story, rather than huge branching endings. The Last Campfire, Outer Wilds, and Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion are some favorites. For more bite-sized stories you love touching tales like A Taste of the Past and Some Distant Memory.

Did any of these little archetypes resonate with you? I feel like coziness is as much about the feelings a game invokes in you as gameplay. How would you categorize cozy gamers?

One response to “What Kind of Cozy Gamer Are You?”

  1. I’m somewhere between cozy, MMO and puzzle gamer lol

    Liked by 1 person

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